!(floatLeft)http://ia.imdb.com/media/imdb/01/I/95/57/39m.jpg!:1 “Sean”:2 and “Airic”:3 went with me to go see “Serenity”:1 on Friday. The movie was fantastic. I was a fan of the short-lived series “Firefly”:4 and as such I had been looking forward to this movie for quite a while. As Sean put it, “This is what Star Wars could have been” while discussing the dialogue and characters. I totally agree. He was less impressed with the special effects, but Airic and I had no problems with them. The only thing that marred the experience for me was a sound problem for the last quarter of the film. We did get a free ticket out of it but I would rather have had perfect sound throughout the film. My quick take is that it’s a great film with great character development and dialogue. It’s also a good story that is willing to take risks (two of the main characters are killed off which is pretty gutsy.) If you like a smart movie with great characters and dialogue, you can’t go wrong with “Serenity”:1. I will go see it again for sure and the DVD will be in my collection when it comes out.